Who We Are
Dreaming big so everyone can.
Together, we are cross-sector practitioners, educators, researchers, advocates, community leaders and other trailblazers who favor big ideas that challenge conventional thinking. From hunger and homelessness to lack of economic opportunity, we are tackling our communities' toughest problems because we envision an America where everyone thrives.

Michael Hole, MD, MBA
Founder & Executive Director
Bio | @DrMichaelHole

Laura Rosen, MPP
Interim Director
Innovators-in-Residence devote one or two semesters to starting and growing a new nonprofit, for-profit or hybrid organization with a social mission alongside The Impact Factory's team. Meet our current innovators and alumni.

Edy Adams

Sai Annem

Mary Beth Bennett

James Bradbury

Sajani Patel

Rylie Phillips

John Saxton

Yosha Singh

Scott Spivey-Provencio

Allison Teng

Melissa Tico

J. Zack Timmons

Allen Zhou
Impact Fellows
Impact Fellows are faculty and staff at The University of Texas at Austin, as well as experienced entrepreneurs, technical experts, investors, community leaders and other cross-sector mentors outside the university who collaborate with The Impact Factory on various projects—including launching and scaling portfolio programs, program evaluation, advising student-entrepreneurs and co-teaching courses and workshops.

Jacqui Angel
Professor of Public Affairs & Sociology, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Bio | @GIH_UGS303

Louis Appel
Chief Medical Officer, People's Community Clinic

Molly Bray
Chair, Department of Nutritional Sciences, UT Austin
Bio | @drmollybray

Jenna Burleson-Davis
Owner and Business Strategy Consultant, JBD Consultancy

Michael Crowl
Executive VP, University Federal Credit Union

Michele Deitch
Director, Prison & Jail Innovation Lab
Distinguished Senior Lecturer, LBJ School of Public Affairs and UT School of Law
Bio | @mydeitch

Lisa Doggett
Senior Medical Director, HGS-AxisPoint Health
Bio | @lisadoggettmd

Karen Fingerman
Wilson Regents Professor of Human Ecology, UT Austin
Director, Texas Aging & Longevity Center
Bio | @TxAging

Sherri Greenberg
Professor of Practice, LBJ School of Public Affairs
Bio | @srgreenberg

Lisa Kirsch
Policy Director, Dell Medical School

Kristie J. Loescher
Senior Lecturer, McCombs School of Business
Faculty Director, Healthcare Innovation Initiative
Bio |

Michael Mackert
Director, Center for Health Communication
Bio | @mackert

Tim Mercer
Director of Global Health, Dell Medical School

Cynthia Osborne
Professor of Early Childhood Education and Policy
Executive Director, Prenatal-to-3 Policy Impact Center
Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
Bio | @BlahaOsborne

Ruben Parra-Cardona
Associate Professor & Coordinator for Latin American Initiatives, Steve Hicks School of Social Work
Bio | @rubenparrac

Dennis Passovoy
Lecturer, McCombs School of Business
Bio | @dpassovoy

Steven Pedigo
Director, LBJ Urban Lab
Bio | @iamstevenpedigo

Kori Rady
Associate, Dwyer Murphy Calvert

Ruben Rathnasingham
Assistant Dean, Health Product Innovation, Dell Medical School
Bio | @RubenDellMed

Alexandra Schweitzer
Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Consultant, Social Drivers of Health

Wendy Varnell
Chief Strategy Officer, LifeWorks
Bio | @LifeWorksAustin